HomeEnglish EditionResistance Forces Withdraw from Depayin, Junta Launches Airstrikes and Burns Nearby Villages

Resistance Forces Withdraw from Depayin, Junta Launches Airstrikes and Burns Nearby Villages

August 24, 2024

After three days of intense battles in Depayin Township, Sagaing Region, the resistance forces have withdrawn, but the military junta continues to launch airstrikes and military offensives against nearby villages, according to reports.

In the early hours of August 24, at around 1:00 AM, junta forces used jet fighters to attack Naga Twin Village on the western side of Depayin. The attack resulted in injuries to two displaced individuals, both in their twenties, who had fled the earlier Depayin battle. The village’s school was also reportedly targeted in the airstrike.

Later, at around 3:00 AM on the same day, a junta convoy reached Kanpyar Village, setting fire to homes by 10:30 AM. The extent of the damage remains unknown. Additionally, a group of approximately 90 junta soldiers was seen advancing towards Ma Soe Yei and Pyaung Bwe villages.

“They are searching for PDF fighters in the villages around Depayin. I’ve heard that troops from Yae U are heading towards Pyitaw and Mote See villages,” a local from Yae U told New Day Myanmar.

During the battle for Depayin, the resistance forces managed to capture several strategic locations, including the police station, the general administration office, staff housing, and Shwe Zay Le Pagoda. Following the resistance forces’ declaration of victory on the afternoon of August 18, the junta responded with over 23 airstrikes, eventually retaking control of the town.

The battle for Depayin reportedly resulted in the deaths of 18 junta soldiers and 4 resistance fighters, according to a statement from the NUG’s 1st Military Region.

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