HomeEnglish EditionRenewed Shooting in Mogok Following People’s Revolution Flag Raising

Renewed Shooting in Mogok Following People’s Revolution Flag Raising

July 4, 2024

In Mogok, Mandalay Region, sporadic shooting resumed on the evening of July 3 after a photo of a resistance fighter raising the People’s Revolution flag in the western part of the city was posted by the Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government (NUG), according to local residents.

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and allied forces successfully took control of the western part of Mogok on June 30. On July 3, the NUG’s Ministry of Defense shared a photo on social media of a People’s Defense Forces (PDF) fighter raising the flag in the newly secured area. This led to renewed gunfire from the military junta forces.

The TNLA and allied forces continue to hold the western part of Mogok, aiming to seize control of military junta strongholds in the eastern part of the city. During the capture of the western part, the resistance forces reportedly confiscated weapons and ammunition from 15 junta soldiers and police officers.

Significant military positions in the eastern part of Mogok include Byuha Hill, the main police station, and the Nga Yant Inn military base. Although large artillery shells have been launched towards the eastern part, there have been no direct clashes yet.

“Last night, the artillery shells made our house tremble. We don’t know exactly where they landed in the east. Even yesterday, three shells landed near Paung Khaung village, where IDPs are staying,” a local resident told New Day Myanmar.

In Mogok, MyTel is the only functioning phone service, while other networks remain down. However, internet and Wi-Fi connections have been restored. The disruption of supply routes has led to skyrocketing food prices, causing significant hardships for the residents.

“Only the elderly and children are left here. The price of dried noodles has shot up from 600 to 4,000 or 4,500 kyats, a bag of rice costs 10,000 kyats, and an egg costs 700 to 800 kyats. We are forced to ration our food. The main concerns are the artillery shells and bombs; not every house can dig bomb shelters,” a local woman explained.

Due to the limited availability of MyTel SIM cards, some are being sold for as high as 20,000 to 50,000 kyats each.

The entire western part of Mogok is now controlled by the TNLA, Mandalay People’s Defense Force (MDY-PDF), PDF (Mogok Byuha), and PDF (513), who captured the area in a joint operation. PSLF/TNLA’s Deputy Chief of Staff (1), Major Tar Mone Kyaw, visited the newly secured western Mogok on July 2, according to a PSLF/TNLA announcement.

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