HomeEnglish EditionPupil Monks of Venerable Monk from Win Nimmita Temple in Bago Issue...

Pupil Monks of Venerable Monk from Win Nimmita Temple in Bago Issue Statement Calling for End to Junta’s Atrocities

June 21, 2024

A statement issued in the name of the pupil monks of the late Venerable Monk Baddanta Munininda Bhivamsa from Win Nimmita Temple in Bago has been released, condemning the senseless killings by the military junta. The statement explains the circumstances leading to the Venerable Monk’s death and highlights the broader pattern of violence perpetrated by the junta.

The statement elaborates on how Venerable Monk Baddanta Munininda Bhivamsa was fatally shot by the junta, similar to the way the military has been indiscriminately killing civilians across the country. It describes the ongoing atrocities, including burning of villages and towns, and daily looting and killings of innocent civilians.

The pupil monks stress that the military’s indiscriminate violence affects everyone, regardless of their religious, ethnic, or social status, and the death of their Venerable Monk is a stark example of this brutality. The statement urges all monks to take action within the framework of their religious duties to help stop the military’s violence. They call for various forms of parikamma (religious activities) to be performed and for unity with the people in the fight against the junta’s oppression.

The statement also calls for international attention to the military’s actions and for increased efforts to hold the junta accountable for their crimes against humanity. The pupil monks emphasize the importance of solidarity and support for the people of Myanmar in their struggle for justice and peace.

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