HomeEnglish EditionPolitical Prisoners Transferred from Mandalay Obo Prison to Magway Prison Face Torture

Political Prisoners Transferred from Mandalay Obo Prison to Magway Prison Face Torture

July 4, 2024

Political prisoners transferred from Mandalay’s Obo Prison to Magway Prison have been subjected to severe beatings and torture by prison authorities, according to a July 4 report by the Political Prisoners Network of Myanmar (PPNM).

Over 40 prisoners, including political detainees, were moved from Obo Prison to Magway Prison on June 15. Upon arrival on June 16, they were taken to the Main Jail where they were threatened and beaten.

Reports indicate that these prisoners have been shackled with iron chains for up to 14 days. They have also faced restrictions on bathing, being allowed only 15 cups of water to wash with.

The assaults were reportedly led by Chief Jailor Min Lwin Oo and Officer Htay Win Hlaing, who have been directing the daily beatings of political prisoners.

The political prisoners have questioned the reason for their mistreatment, only to be met with further violence. Leading political prisoners, in particular, have been singled out for additional beatings and solitary confinement.

The PPNM’s statement underscores the ongoing brutal treatment faced by political prisoners in Myanmar, calling for immediate international attention and intervention.

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