HomeEnglish EditionPolitical Prisoners Transferred from Kyaikmaraw to Daik-U Prison Report Abuse by Authorities

Political Prisoners Transferred from Kyaikmaraw to Daik-U Prison Report Abuse by Authorities

June 17, 2024

The Myanmar Political Prisoners Network (PPNM) reported today that political prisoners transferred from Kyaikmaraw Prison to Daik-U Prison faced abuse by prison authorities. On June 15, at 2:30 AM, over 160 prisoners, including more than 40 political detainees, were moved from Kyaikmaraw to Daik-U and Thayarwady prisons.

Upon arrival at Daik-U Prison, the female prisoners were confined in a single building where prison staff conducted a thorough search of their belongings. After the search, when the prisoners demanded the return of their personal items and food, they were subjected to verbal and physical abuse by the prison guards.

“This is a clear demonstration of the military’s brutality. It is absolutely unacceptable to use excessive force against women. Beating political prisoners, who do not even possess a single needle, is a severe violation of human rights,” said Ms. Zu Zu May Yon, the head of the Women’s Organization of Political Prisoners (WOPP), to New Day Myanmar.

Senior officers Kyaw Zeya, Myo Thihha Aung, Min Zaw Thein, and Ko Lay Myint reportedly led the assault. The incident resulted in injuries to over 30 political prisoners and more than 50 inmates already at Daik-U Prison. Among the injured, about five female prisoners sustained severe head injuries.

Currently, those who were beaten are being held in solitary confinement, and the severely injured are receiving medical treatment at Daik-U Hospital. The PPNM has called on resistance groups to arrest and hold accountable the prison officials involved in these human rights abuses and illegal acts of violence.

Photo – PPNM

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