HomeEnglish EditionPolitical Prisoners at Myaungmya Prison Suffering Abuse from Authorities

Political Prisoners at Myaungmya Prison Suffering Abuse from Authorities

August 14, 2024

The Myanmar Political Prisoners Network (PPNM) has reported that political prisoners at Myaungmya Prison are being subjected to abuse and mistreatment by prison authorities. The abuse is reportedly led by Deputy Warden Tint Swe, Warden Soe Yan Naing, and Supervisor Kyaw Zeya, who have allegedly enlisted the help of long-term inmates convicted of violent crimes, such as Maung Aye (convicted of rape and murder) and others.

According to the PPNM, these prisoners have been extorting newly admitted political prisoners, demanding a “protection fee” of 50,000 kyats. Those who cannot pay are subjected to beatings, forced labor, and other forms of mistreatment. On the other hand, prisoners who can afford to pay are reportedly given less strenuous tasks.

The report also alleges that prison officials, including the warden and deputy warden, have been extorting additional money from prisoners under the guise of various fees. Inmates are also reportedly being forced to purchase low-quality mats and clothing from the prison authorities, while the better-quality items provided by the Insein Prison are sold off by the officials.

The PPNM’s report indicates that prisoners are only allowed to wear their standard uniforms and shoes when high-ranking officials visit. Afterward, they must return the items to the wardens. It is also alleged that only seven out of every 50 prisoners are given standard shoes.

The PPNM has condemned these actions and called for an end to the mistreatment and exploitation of political prisoners at Myaungmya Prison.

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