HomeEnglish EditionOver 500 Human Rights Violations by Myanmar Junta in May

Over 500 Human Rights Violations by Myanmar Junta in May

June 16, 2024

According to a statement released by the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Ministry of Human Rights, the Myanmar military junta committed a total of 543 human rights violations in May 2024. These violations include 129 extrajudicial killings, 119 instances of arson targeting homes and personal properties, 37 unlawful arrests, and 258 other types of human rights abuses.

The reported human rights violations were distributed across several regions, with 75 cases in Sagaing Region, 44 in Magway Region, 68 in Bago Region, and 108 in Rakhine State, among other areas.

In addition to these violations, the junta has intensified its aerial attacks. In May alone, there were 28 airstrikes in Rakhine State, 15 in Kachin State, 10 in Sagaing Region, and several others in different states and regions, totaling 28 airstrikes.

These airstrikes resulted in the destruction of 334 homes, 3 schools, 16 religious buildings, and 5 health facilities. They also led to the deaths of 109 civilians and injuries to 148 others.

Furthermore, the NUG’s Ministry of Human Rights reported that 215 mass killings occurred in May 2024.

The NUG’s statement highlights the severity of the ongoing human rights crisis in Myanmar under the military junta’s rule.

Photo – NUG

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