HomeEnglish EditionNUG Reports 45 Defections from Military and Police in May, Including Three...

NUG Reports 45 Defections from Military and Police in May, Including Three Majors

June 13, 2024

The National Unity Government (NUG) announced that in May 2024, a total of 45 military and police personnel, including three majors, defected to join the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and other allied resistance groups. This information was released by the NUG’s Central Committee for Implementation of People’s Defense and the Ministry of Defense.

Among the defectors are one lieutenant colonel, one captain, and one deputy police inspector, in addition to the three majors. The defectors, who include both military and police officers, have left the military regime to stand with the people. Some of these defectors brought their weapons with them, and the NUG has rewarded them with financial compensation according to the value of the weapons they brought.

In total, the defectors handed over 24 various types of weapons and ammunition during May. The NUG has urged other soldiers and police officers, especially those forcibly conscripted or wishing to join the resistance, to reach out to the PDFs, allied Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs), or contact the People’s Defense Telegram channel @MyanmarPeople for safe defection.

The NUG’s announcement highlights the increasing number of defections from the military junta, which seized power in February 2021. This trend indicates growing discontent within the ranks of the military and police, and a rising support for the pro-democracy movement. The NUG continues to support and facilitate these defections as part of its broader strategy to undermine the military regime and restore democracy in Myanmar.

Photo: NUG rewards a police defector in Pakokku Township with financial compensation for his service and defection.

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