HomeEnglish EditionNUG-Affiliated Group Uses Force to Disperse Protesters in Htigyaint

NUG-Affiliated Group Uses Force to Disperse Protesters in Htigyaint

June 18, 2024

In Htigyaint Township, Sagaing Region, a NUG-affiliated group known as the “Pa Thone Lone” forcibly dispersed and detained local residents who were protesting against a new road construction project. The incident occurred on June 16, when over 100 locals gathered to voice their opposition to the project. According to local sources, the Paw Thone Lone group used armed force to break up the protest and detained one protester.

The new road is planned to connect the Su Phon Chaung-Inntain Road to the Myitkyina-Mandalay Highway. Locals have been opposing the construction because it cuts through their farmland. The Paw Thone Lone group, which is responsible for the project, has stationed around 70 armed personnel to ensure security during the construction.

Despite previous negotiations in May, where the group reportedly promised compensation to landowners, the issue remains unresolved. The affected areas, including Inntain Village, have previously experienced military offensives by SAC forces, leading to significant damage and displacement.

The Pa Thone Lone group, short for the People’s Administration (PA), People’s Defense (PD), and People’s Security (PS) groups, operates under the National Unity Government (NUG). Despite complaints about their actions, including the illegal collection of tolls, personal gain through resource extraction, tax evasion, drug trafficking, and gambling, there has been no effective intervention by the NUG’s Ministry of Home Affairs led by U Lwin Ko Latt.

In response to these ongoing issues, the NUG announced plans to establish a tribunal to address the illegal activities of the Pa Thone Lone group. This announcement was made during a press conference held on April 30 by the NUG.

The locals’ protest highlights ongoing tensions and dissatisfaction with the NUG’s handling of administrative and security matters, especially in regions affected by military conflict and resource exploitation. The NUG’s response and future actions will be closely watched by both local and international observers.

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