HomeEnglish EditionNearly 100,000 Homes Destroyed in Myanmar Over Three Years Under Military Rule

Nearly 100,000 Homes Destroyed in Myanmar Over Three Years Under Military Rule

July 24, 2024

In the three years following the military coup, nearly 95,450 homes in Myanmar have been destroyed by the actions of military and allied forces, according to a report by Data For Myanmar.

In the first half of 2024 alone, approximately 15,000 homes in 270 villages and towns were burned and destroyed. In June, 1,109 civilian homes in the regions of Mandalay, Sagaing, Tanintharyi, Chin State, and Magway were torched by military forces.

Sagaing Region has been particularly hard-hit, with 3,100 homes in Kale Township alone destroyed by the military in the first half of the year. In June, Mandalay Region saw the destruction of over 823 homes, including 666 homes across 14 villages in Nyaung U Township.

On June 16, the military burned down 102 homes in Pyar Village, Myinmu Township. Satellite images from Sentinel Hub confirmed the damage. Pyar Village had previously been set on fire twice by the military in 2021 and 2022, resulting in the destruction of over 80 homes.

The recorded figures may only represent a fraction of the total damage. The exact number of destroyed homes in conflict-affected areas like Rakhine State’s Buthidaung Township and Sagaing Region’s Kani Township remains difficult to ascertain.

Sagaing Region accounts for 70% of the total home destructions reported nationwide since the military coup.

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