HomeEnglish EditionMilitary Sets Thangngin Village Ablaze, Almost Entire Village Destroyed

Military Sets Thangngin Village Ablaze, Almost Entire Village Destroyed

June 21, 2024

The military set fire to Thangngin Village in Tedim Township, Chin State, on June 21, resulting in nearly the entire village being destroyed, according to local residents. Out of approximately 30 homes in Thangngin Village, only three houses were left unscathed by the fire.

Starting on June 20 and continuing until June 23, clashes occurred between the advancing military troops from Tedim town and the Chin resistance forces.

Currently, the military has occupied the Thangngin Village area, specifically the Sutaungtaung Camp, and the Chin Defense Force-Civil Disobedience Movement (CDF-CDM) Siyin has advised travelers to avoid the Kalay-Thangngin-Tedim route.

The military convoy, consisting of around 100 troops, seized this mountain camp in Tedim Township on June 18. However, local sources reported that the People’s Defense Force (PDF) Zoland has launched counter-attacks and currently controls the area.

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