HomeEnglish EditionMilitary Junta Denies Rumors of Internal Coup as Fabrications

Military Junta Denies Rumors of Internal Coup as Fabrications

August 14, 2024

On the evening of August 13, 2024, rumors began circulating on social media suggesting that Senior General Min Aung Hlaing had been detained by General Aung Lin Dwe in an alleged internal coup within the Myanmar military. These reports were quickly dismissed as baseless fabrications by military-controlled media outlets.

In response to the widespread speculation, the junta’s propaganda channels issued statements on August 14, claiming that the rumors were part of a deliberate attempt to destabilize the country by spreading false information. According to these reports, the rumors originated from a newly created Facebook account on August 12 at around 8:30 PM, and were subsequently amplified by fake accounts and some media outlets both domestically and internationally.

The military’s media outlets emphasized that the leadership, including Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, remains in full control and continues to perform their duties as usual. The junta’s communication channels reiterated that there is no truth to the claims of an internal coup and warned against the dissemination of such misinformation, which they argue is aimed at creating unrest and confusion among the public.

These denials come as the military regime faces increasing pressure and challenges, both from within the country and on the international stage, following the February 2021 coup that ousted the civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi.

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