HomeEnglish EditionMatupi Town Under Heavy Fighting, Chin National Front Announces

Matupi Town Under Heavy Fighting, Chin National Front Announces

June 14, 2024

The Chin National Front (CNF) announced on June 13 that their forces, along with allied troops, have begun an offensive against junta strongholds in Matupi, Chin State, starting on June 9.

The coalition, comprising the CDF-Matupi Brigade 1, Yaw Army, Arakan Army (AA), and Chin National Front forces, has launched coordinated attacks on key targets within the town. According to the CNF, they have successfully captured the Matupi police station and the General Administration Office as of this morning.

Since the beginning of the offensive, the junta has responded with multiple airstrikes, indicating an escalation in the conflict.

On June 13, the CDF-Matupi Brigade reported the loss of one of its members in the ongoing clashes. The CNF has committed to providing ongoing updates on the situation as they continue their efforts to secure the town from junta control.

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