HomeEnglish EditionKarenni Interim Executive Council Rejects Military Junta’s Peace Offer Completely

Karenni Interim Executive Council Rejects Military Junta’s Peace Offer Completely

September 28, 2024

The Karenni Interim Executive Council (IEC) announced today, September 28, that they completely reject the military junta’s recent peace offer. The IEC stated that the junta’s invitation is a deceptive attempt to create divisions among pro-democracy forces and will not be accepted.

The council emphasized that the junta’s violent actions and illegitimate seizure of power have led to a complete loss of legitimacy for its governing mechanisms, and the 2008 Constitution has no legal standing nationwide. They argued that the military is attempting to force civilians into conscription, conduct an illegitimate census, and organize a sham election to find a political exit strategy, all while trying to sow discord among democratic forces.

“The junta’s invitation is not a solution to the ongoing political crisis but a political maneuver designed to create further instability and exploit the situation for their gain,” the IEC noted.

The Karenni Interim Executive Council declared that it will not engage or negotiate with the military junta and will continue to strive for the establishment of a genuine federal system. The council vowed to resist the junta’s illegitimate activities in Karenni territory and called on other federal units and states to stand united in accordance with the people’s will.

The IEC also reiterated that any moves by the junta to restore its control would be met with resistance and urged other pro-democracy forces to reject the junta’s tactics of division and maintain solidarity.

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