HomeEnglish EditionJFM Calls for Sanctions Against ME2 Director General

JFM Calls for Sanctions Against ME2 Director General

July 19, 2024

Justice For Myanmar (JFM) has called for sanctions against retired Lieutenant Colonel Naing Myo Han, the Director General of No. (2) Mining Enterprise (ME2). The announcement, made on July 19, highlights Naing Myo Han’s role in the junta’s exploitation of Myanmar’s natural resources to fund its oppressive regime.

Naing Myo Han, a graduate of DSA intake 37, was promoted from General Manager of ME2’s production department to Director General. ME2, operating under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, is a significant state-owned enterprise involved in the extraction and processing of various minerals and ores, including tin, tungsten, rubidium, tantalum, niobium, lithium, titanium, hafnium, vanadium, indium, bismuth, gold, molybdenum, silver, rare earth elements, radioactive minerals, and large-scale metals.

Following the military coup, the junta seized control of ME2’s assets and has been using the enterprise to support its violent activities and war crimes. ME2 is already under sanctions from the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Canada.

A recent report from the junta’s Central Statistical Organization (CSO) indicated that ME2 produced 213 metric tons of refined tin in the 2021-2022 fiscal year, a 10% increase from the 193 metric tons produced in 2020-2021. Additionally, ME2’s gold production from joint ventures was 9,840 troy ounces in 2020-2021 and 6,375 troy ounces in 2021-2022, though the report did not specify the value of the gold produced. Historical data shows that in the 2017-2018 fiscal year, ME2’s gold sales generated approximately 6.6 billion Kyats.

ME2’s gold sales have historically provided significant tax revenue, amounting to 28.03 billion Kyats in the 2015-2016 fiscal year and 15.4379 billion Kyats in the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Post-coup, ME2’s increased production has generated substantial revenue for the junta, amounting to millions of dollars in tax income from gold alone.

Naing Myo Han’s financial and managerial expertise has been instrumental in supporting the junta’s resource extraction, which funds their war crimes and crimes against humanity. Justice For Myanmar’s statement insists that Naing Myo Han must face sanctions and be held accountable for his role in enabling the junta’s brutal actions.

Photo Credit: Justice For Myanmar

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