HomeEnglish EditionJFM and Info Birmanie Demand AVIC to Halt Supplying Military Weapons to...

JFM and Info Birmanie Demand AVIC to Halt Supplying Military Weapons to Myanmar Junta

September 16, 2024

Justice For Myanmar (JFM) and Info Birmanie have called for the Chinese company AVIC (Aviation Industry Corporation of China) to cease supplying military weapons to the Myanmar junta, citing its involvement in international war crimes. AVIC, which partners with Airbus, has allegedly been providing military equipment to Myanmar’s military regime, which has used these weapons to carry out aerial bombings on civilians, contributing to ongoing atrocities against the people of Myanmar.

The report titled “AIRBUSTED – How Airbus Partner AVIC is Supplying Myanmar’s Junta with Weapons and What Airbus Must Do” exposes evidence that AVIC continues to support Myanmar’s junta by supplying fighter jets, attack aircraft, and military transport planes. These aircraft are used to bomb civilian areas deliberately, a violation of international law. The report also details recent purchases, including FTC 2000G fighter jets and various missile systems, further implicating AVIC in Myanmar’s war crimes.

The investigation reveals that AVIC provides ongoing maintenance services for the fixed-wing aircraft used by Myanmar’s air force, which have been responsible for indiscriminate bombings. Despite this, Airbus, a major shareholder in AVIC’s Hong Kong-registered company AviChina, has maintained its partnership with AVIC, expanding joint ventures while other investors have pulled out due to the company’s connection with Myanmar’s military regime.

JFM and Info Birmanie highlight the contradiction between the public statements of Airbus’ key stakeholders, including the governments of Spain, Germany, and France, who have condemned Myanmar’s junta and pledged to stop the flow of arms, yet continue to allow Airbus’ collaboration with AVIC. They urge Airbus to use its influence to halt AVIC’s involvement with the junta immediately. If AVIC fails to comply, JFM calls on Airbus to withdraw all investments in AVIC-controlled companies responsibly.

In conclusion, JFM stresses that the time is now for the governments of Spain, Germany, and France to ensure that Airbus aligns its actions with their public commitments by cutting ties with Myanmar’s military regime. Immediate action is required to stop the flow of military support to Myanmar’s junta.

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