HomeEnglish EditionIndustriALL Global Union Calls for Halting Financial Support to Myanmar's Junta-Linked Businesses...

IndustriALL Global Union Calls for Halting Financial Support to Myanmar’s Junta-Linked Businesses at ILO Conference

June 10, 2024

IndustriALL Global Union has called for the cessation of financial support to businesses that sustain Myanmar’s military junta, citing ethical concerns under the current regime. The call was made during the ongoing 112th International Labour Conference, which began on June 3 and will run until June 13.

In his address, Mr. Atle Høie, General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, stated, “In Myanmar, the military has killed over 4,000 civilians and detained nearly 26,000, while restricting the freedom to form unions and civil society organizations. The denial of these freedoms has resulted in modern-day slavery conditions for many workers, confirmed by the findings of the ILO’s investigative committee. Under military rule, businesses cannot operate ethically, so we urge all economic entities to cease financial support to the terrorist junta and responsibly withdraw from Myanmar.”

Mr. Høie also criticized the European Union for continuing to support manufacturing and trade priorities in Myanmar, calling for a review of their policies. He emphasized the need to end the “Everything But Arms” (EBA) trade preference policy and the Multistakeholder Alliance for Decent Employment in the Myanmar Apparel Industry Programme (MADE in Myanmar), which supports the garment sector in Myanmar.

He urged businesses to reassess their involvement in Myanmar and align with international ethical standards, highlighting that ongoing support for manufacturing under the junta’s rule is unacceptable. This call to action aims to pressure the international community and businesses to take a stand against the junta’s abuses and support the restoration of democracy and human rights in Myanmar.

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