HomeEnglish EditionFour Civilians Killed by Military Junta in Yayphyu

Four Civilians Killed by Military Junta in Yayphyu

July 5, 2024

The Dawei District Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) announced on July 4 that four civilians from Khaung Pyun village in the Zadig village tract, Yayphyu Township, Dawei District, were unjustly arrested and executed by the military junta.

The victims, identified as U Kyaw Sein (aged over 60), U Aung Zaw Win (45 years old), U Thar Thar (also known as U Laing Yar, 55 years old), and U Nyi Nyi (41 years old), were taken from their village by the junta troops. Their bodies were later found discarded in a stream within Khaung Pyun village on July 3 and 4, with signs of torture, including hand-tied marks and multiple stab wounds, indicating severe mistreatment.

The DDMSC emphasized that all four victims were innocent civilians. In addition, four other locals, including three women, who were also abducted by the junta, remain missing with no contact since their capture.

Approximately 100 junta soldiers began their operation from Khaung Pyun village on July 1, targeting the area around the Dawei Special Economic Zone, forcing some residents to flee.

The DDMSC condemned the junta’s actions as war crimes, holding them fully responsible for the extrajudicial arrests and murders of innocent civilians.

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