HomeEnglish EditionAA Commander-in-Chief Warns NUG Against Overstepping in Rakhine Affairs

AA Commander-in-Chief Warns NUG Against Overstepping in Rakhine Affairs

June 6, 2024

In an exclusive interview with VOA, Arakan Army (AA) Commander-in-Chief Major General Tun Myat Naing cautioned the National Unity Government (NUG) against overstepping in Rakhine State affairs, urging them to limit their involvement to necessary matters.

While acknowledging the importance of the NUG’s role on a national level, Major General Tun Myat Naing expressed dissatisfaction with some of the NUG’s actions. He stated, “We accept the need to speak on Rakhine issues, but we hope they do not go beyond what is necessary. We have also sent a formal letter requesting this.”

On May 21, the NUG issued a statement expressing concern over human rights violations against Muslims by the junta and AA during the conflict in Buthidaung. Reports emerged that AA had burned down approximately 5,000 Muslim homes and killed around 100 people, prompting human rights activists, the NUG’s Ministry of Human Rights, and the UN to call for accountability and transparency.

Major General Tun Myat Naing denied these allegations, emphasizing that AA prioritizes the safety of civilians in conflict zones. He stated that AA soldiers have been relocating villagers to safer areas.

The AA commander also highlighted AA’s alliances with other resistance groups, including the Chin Defense Forces, DKBA, Shan North, Palaung, Kokang, and central Myanmar’s resistance forces, maintaining a strong coalition against the junta.

He reiterated AA’s goal of achieving a political status for Rakhine equivalent to a confederation and pledged unwavering commitment to this cause. Major General Tun Myat Naing mentioned that AA has nearly 40,000 combat troops, excluding reserves, ready to fight for Rakhine’s autonomy.

Emphasizing the importance of mutual cooperation, he noted that the AA envisions a federal union built on collaboration rather than domination by any single group, and stressed the need to minimize foreign influence in resolving internal conflicts.

Currently, AA controls 10 townships in Rakhine and Paletwa, with plans to capture remaining areas such as Maungdaw, Sittwe, Ann, Thandwe, Kyaukphyu, Taungup, Manaung, and Gwa. The AA has been conducting offensives against junta positions in Maungdaw, Ann, and Thandwe, and is reportedly close to fully capturing Thandwe.

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