HomeEnglish EditionMilitary Council Arrests Flower Bearers, Sellers, and Carriers on Aung San Suu...

Military Council Arrests Flower Bearers, Sellers, and Carriers on Aung San Suu Kyi’s Birthday

June 19, 2024

On June 19, in commemoration of the birthday of the public leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the military council has arrested those suspected of participating in the flower protest movement. This morning, eight women and two men in Mandalay were arrested by military council soldiers for allegedly painting flowers. The arrests were made during patrols in both plainclothes and military vehicles, covering areas including Maha Aung Myay and Chan Aye Tharzan townships.

The military council’s propaganda Telegram channels posted pictures of the arrested women, while pro-military social media accounts urged the arrest of those involved in the flower protest movement.

Various resistance groups and protest forces had called for participation in the flower protest to commemorate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 79th birthday, urging citizens across the nation to join with political awareness and caution.

This morning, at the corner of 31st and 83rd streets in Chan Aye Tharzan Township, a young man sitting at a tea shop was beaten and arrested by military council troops in a private car for allegedly painting flowers. Another young man accompanying him was also arrested, according to local sources.

Military council troops tightened security on Mandalay’s main roads, markets, and crowded areas, as well as around Maha Myat Muni Pagoda. Those found carrying or selling flowers were arrested. Last year, over a hundred participants in the flower protest for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 78th birthday were similarly arrested nationwide.

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