HomeEnglish EditionMilitary Junta Committed 620 Human Rights Violations in August, Including 113 Extrajudicial...

Military Junta Committed 620 Human Rights Violations in August, Including 113 Extrajudicial Killings

September 20, 2024

During August 2024, the Myanmar military junta committed 620 human rights violations, including 113 cases of extrajudicial killings, according to a report released by the Ministry of Human Rights of the National Unity Government (NUG).

The violations were most severe in Rakhine State, with 102 cases, followed by Bago Region with 92 cases and Mandalay Region with 85 cases. Magway Region reported 73 violations, Sagaing Region 62, and Shan State 51. Other regions and states also experienced significant human rights abuses.

In August alone, the military junta conducted 22 airstrikes in both Rakhine and Shan States. Mandalay Region faced 20 airstrikes, Sagaing Region 15, and Magway Region 13, with other regions also targeted, excluding Yangon, Ayeyarwady, and Karenni areas.

The airstrikes led to the destruction of 106 homes, 14 schools, 15 religious buildings, and 3 hospitals.

Casualties from the airstrikes in August included 132 deaths and 161 injuries. Additionally, the report detailed that 406 people were killed due to mass killings, with 347 of those deaths occurring in Rakhine State.

The NUG report highlights the severity of the military junta’s ongoing human rights abuses across the country, affecting civilians and civilian infrastructure.

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