HomeEnglish EditionNaung Cho Town and Surrounding Areas Bombed for Three Consecutive Days by...

Naung Cho Town and Surrounding Areas Bombed for Three Consecutive Days by Junta Forces

September 15, 2024

Over the past three days, junta forces have carried out continuous airstrikes on Naung Cho Town and its surrounding villages in northern Shan State, using 500-pound bombs and rockets, according to reports from the PSLF/TNLA. On September 13, 14, and 15, the military’s air force conducted multiple bombing raids in the area, targeting both civilian and military locations.

On the morning of September 15, clashes between the Myanmar military and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) forces occurred in Taung Khan and Taung Shwe villages, as well as near Military Base No. 354. The junta forces reportedly dropped 60 bombs during seven airstrikes, and two more airstrikes using jet fighters targeted the Ayesha Waung area.

On September 14, the air force dropped two 500-pound bombs between 1:00 PM and 2:30 PM, one of which exploded while the other failed to detonate. Additionally, at least eight rocket strikes were fired during the attack. One bomb hit a residential area in Naung Cho, injuring a woman and damaging several homes.

Similarly, on September 13, the junta dropped 13 bombs in Naung Cho, according to the TNLA. The military has continued its heavy bombardment, even as Myanmar faces widespread flooding in several regions, including Rakhine, Chin, and the Kokang region. The junta’s use of powerful 500-pound bombs and targeted attacks on civilian areas and refugee camps has raised accusations of war crimes.

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