HomeEnglish EditionNearly 2,000 Undocumented Myanmar Nationals Arrested Daily in Thailand

Nearly 2,000 Undocumented Myanmar Nationals Arrested Daily in Thailand

August 22, 2024

During Thailand’s 120-day campaign to crack down on undocumented workers, nearly 2,000 undocumented Myanmar nationals are being arrested daily, according to labor rights activists.

In the first 71 days of this campaign, a total of 192,280 undocumented individuals have been detained, with over 144,261 of them being Myanmar workers.

Despite the ongoing arrests, the lack of documentation among the detained migrants poses significant challenges for labor rights activists trying to assist them.

“With the threats of military dictatorship and a struggling economy in Myanmar, many people are entering Thailand illegally. The main challenge is that without proper documentation, it’s difficult to provide assistance. Thai human rights activists and civil society organizations need to speak out more,” said Ko Ye Min from the Myanmar Humanitarian Action Center (MHAC) in an interview with New Day Myanmar.

To reduce these ongoing arrests, Ko Ye Min emphasized the need for stronger advocacy from Thai human rights groups and civil society. However, he also warned that issues like human trafficking could escalate alongside the increase in illegal migration.

Ko Ye Min concluded that ending the arrests of Myanmar nationals in Thailand will only be possible with the end of the military dictatorship in Myanmar.

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