HomeEnglish EditionDisplaced Civilians from Mogok Trapped in Zarapkwe and Lekye for Days

Displaced Civilians from Mogok Trapped in Zarapkwe and Lekye for Days

July 6, 2024

Civilians fleeing the conflict in Mogok have been trapped in the areas around Zarapkwe Village and Lekye Creek for four to five days, according to local sources currently stranded in these locations.

Since the outbreak of fighting in Mogok, roads have been blocked, preventing vehicles traveling from Mogok to Mandalay from proceeding. The clashes near Mataya and Kyaukme have also contributed to the prolonged entrapment of vehicles, leaving many travelers stuck for days.

Vehicles descending from Mogok have been forced to seek shelter in villages like Chaunggyi and Kyetaukpauk, where skirmishes have also been reported. Those traveling with children find it particularly challenging, as expressed by one of the stranded individuals near Aungchanta village, who stated, “If you have children, you can speak with those at the Kyaukphar checkpoint to get through. Sometimes I think staying in Mogok might have been easier. Some vehicles have been trapped near Aungchanta for five days, and we’ve been stuck for three. When we get to Mandalay, we’ll have to arrange for accommodation.”

Another group trapped near Kyaukphyu Village in Chaunggyi reports being stranded for around six days. Both displaced people and local villagers are suffering from blocked roads, causing supply shortages as trucks carrying food and goods cannot reach the area.

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