HomeEnglish Edition317 Soldiers, Including a Deputy Commander, Defect to MNDAA in Lashio

317 Soldiers, Including a Deputy Commander, Defect to MNDAA in Lashio

July 23, 2024

On the morning of July 21, 2024, in northern Shan State’s Lashio Township, 317 soldiers from the Myanmar military, led by a Deputy Commander, surrendered to the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA). This information was disclosed in a statement released by the MNDAA.

At around 10 a.m., the group, which included the Deputy Commander, two Majors, and five Captains, along with their troops, defected and surrendered their weapons to the MNDAA forces. The defectors expressed their intention to join the revolutionary forces to fight against the military junta, according to the MNDAA statement.

The political department of MNDAA received the defectors and welcomed their participation in the revolutionary struggle. The MNDAA assured the defectors of their personal safety and provided medical care to those injured or ill, in line with their policy of prioritizing the treatment of defectors. The MNDAA also reported that they had secured a significant amount of weapons and ammunition from the defecting soldiers.

The defection marks a significant development in the ongoing conflict, reflecting the increasing number of military personnel joining opposition forces in their fight against the military regime.

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