HomeEnglish Edition11 Indian Nationals Freed from Forced Labor in Myanmar's Online Scam Operations

11 Indian Nationals Freed from Forced Labor in Myanmar’s Online Scam Operations

July 22, 2024

The Indian Embassy in Myanmar announced on July 20 that 11 Indian nationals, who were being held against their will in Shwe Kokko, a city in Myawaddy Township, Karen State, have been freed. These individuals were trapped in forced labor conditions related to online scam operations.

The rescue operation was initiated following discussions last month between Myanmar’s Foreign Minister U Than Swe and India’s External Affairs Minister in New Delhi. These discussions focused on expediting the repatriation of Indian nationals trapped in Myawaddy. The Indian Embassy stated that plans are underway to facilitate the return of the 11 freed Indian nationals.

Photographs released by the Indian Embassy show that the group includes nine women and two men. These individuals were lured to Shwe Kokko with false promises and subsequently trapped in exploitative conditions.

Shwe Kokko New City, located in Myawaddy Township, is under the complete control of the Karen National Guard (KNA), previously known as the Karen Border Guard Force (BGF), led by Major General Saw Chit Thu. In May 2024, Major General Saw Chit Thu issued a warning, giving all foreign nationals involved in online scam operations until October 31, 2024, to leave the area.

In October 2022, around 50 Indian youths were also rescued from similar circumstances in Myawaddy. They had been deceived with promises of jobs requiring basic computer skills and were subsequently forced into scam operations.

The Indian Embassy’s successful rescue operation highlights ongoing efforts to protect vulnerable individuals from forced labor and exploitation in Myanmar. These efforts are part of broader international concerns about human trafficking and online scams in the region.

Photo: Indian Embassy Myanmar

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